Using RocketChat


If you do not have an account, look here.

Tested clients

Rocket.Chat provides desktop clients for Windows, Linux and Mac. Mobile clients are provided for both Android and IOS devices. To download the latest version of the client, please look here

User Guide

The official user guide for RocketChat can be found here

Known Issues

Video/Voice calls and Video-Conference (uses are features still in beta. Please report bugs to


To open a video/voice call between just two users, use the direct message route. Choose the user, click on “User Info” icon on the right sidebar and click on the video/telephone icon to make a direct video/audio call. To know when maintenance work on the server is going on, join the channel “rocketchat-maintenance”

Mensa Bot

To view the menu of Mensateria in a channel:

  • add the user “MensaBot” (ext700590) to your channel
  • Use !mensa to show the menu for the current day. !mensa shows menu for other days, e.g. "!mensa +1" gives you the menu for tomorrow
  • Only menus for the current week are available.